Livermore Acupuncture
& Herbal Clinic
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Worker's Comp, & Auto Accident.
Tel: (925) 292-5567

What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the oldest continuously practiced medical system in the world. It is also the fastest growing health care system in America today. The first acupuncture needles were made of stone, later, bronze, gold, and silver were used, and today, needles are usually made of stainless steel. Acupuncture is based on a rich, complex set of theories about Qi (pronounced chee). Qi is the vital energy that circulates along the channels of the body. Qi regulates physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional balance. If Qi is abundant and flowing freely, one may feel physically healthy and mentally happy. If Qi is blocked or depleted, symptoms of mental or physical pain or disease may result. If such symptoms or disease are not addressed or resolved, very likely sooner or later this may lead to a more severe illness or disease affecting physical and mental health.
A human body has the ability to self-correct and recover from many physical and mental illnesses. However, if symptoms persist, that’s a sign that the body needs help in assisting its recovery. There are more than 400 acupuncture points on the human body that mobilize, harmonize and balance Qi. Acupuncturists use these points to regulate the flow of Qi to restore and maintain health, tonifying where there’s depletion, and promoting free flow where there is a blockage. Acupuncturists also look to the underlying disharmony and focus treatment on both the root cause and the symptoms.
What does acupuncture feel like?
The insertion of the slender, single-use, sterile stainless steel needle goes unnoticed by some, to others feels like a quick pinch. Sometimes people feel Qi moving at a distance from the point of insertion. Needles remain in place for fifteen to forty minutes.Some people are energized by treatment, while others feel relaxed. Many people are pleased to find that acupuncture treatments are enjoyable, and they look forward to them.
Is acupuncture safe?
The British Medical Journal reported the “York Acupuncture Safety Study”, a survey of 34,407 treatments performed by over 500 licensed acupuncturists. This study was conducted over a four week period in the year of 2000 and found no serious adverse events reported after 34,407 treatments. Occasionally, and only in some people, a small bruise may appear but it clears up after a few days.
How many treatments?
The number of treatments necessary to treat a particular condition varies, depending on the severity and length of time the symptoms have persisted. In general, an acute condition will respond more quickly than a chronic one, possibly being resolved in one or two visits. Chronic conditions may take longer to treat.
Acupuncture & Conventional Medicine
Even though acupuncture is commonly used alone for many conditions, it is becoming very popular as a combination treatment by medical doctors. It is easily integrated into and used with conventional medicine. We recommend not altering medication or other therapies without consulting your doctor.
Acupuncture & Modern Science
After thousands of years of practice, we know that acupuncture works. Scientists agree that acupuncture works in many ways that are unknown. Most research has shown that this form of therapy triggers the release of endorphins, which makes you feel good. It is also the aid that triggers the body’s self-repairing system when its immunity becomes low.